Uk company incorporation and bookkeeping service - Ltd24ore June 2021 – Ltd24ore
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Uk company incorporation and bookkeeping service

Oggi voglio parlarvi delle società ltd in Inghilterra, Regno Unito.
Nello specifico, spiegherò come aprire e gestire legalmente una società in Inghilterra attraverso le esperienze di alcuni nostri clienti.
Intendo parlarvi anche delle difficoltà che gli imprenditori italiani incontrano nell’incorporare una ltd nel Regno Unito e degli errori da evitare nell’aprire e gestire una società per azioni inglese.

società Ltd nel Regno Unito

Ho pensato di scrivere questa guida su ” come aprire una società LTD in Inghilterra “, proprio per offrirti una soluzione ai problemi più ricorrenti.
Ma prima, preferisco rispondere subito alla domanda che viene posta più frequentemente:
È vero che aprendo una LTD in UK si pagano meno tasse che in Italia?
Vi devo rivelare che un imprenditore italiano che intende aprire una società inglese non è attratto solo dal profilo fiscale, ma soprattutto da altri aspetti.
È risaputo che le tasse sulle società a Londra sono più leggere che in Italia, ma i punti di forza del sistema anglosassone sono soprattutto la leggerissima burocrazia, l’efficienza della macchina amministrativa e la certezza normativa.
Un esempio?


La società srl può essere aperta in un giorno ed elettronicamente, senza bisogno di un notaio. Inviamo ai nostri clienti l’atto costitutivo (atto costitutivo) e lo statuto (atto costitutivo) digitalizzati, direttamente al loro indirizzo di posta elettronica fornito in fase di acquisto, accompagnati da copia dei “certificati di partecipazione”.
La dichiarazione dei redditi di una società inglese è composta da poche pagine e ha pochissime righe rispetto al Single Capital Company Model utilizzato in Italia, che fa impazzire anche i commercialisti più esperti. Diversamente da Germania, Francia, Italia, Spagna, invece, i commercialisti e contabili britannici sono civilmente responsabili dei danni (sanzioni) che hanno causato al cliente, a causa di un errore professionale (esempio: errore in una registrazione contabile).
La contabilità di una ltd in Inghilterra è molto più semplice di quella italiana e può essere tenuta anche in cloud, tramite software specifici: l’imprenditore deve preoccuparsi solo dell’invio delle fatture.
Esiste un regime di certezza normativa, di conseguenza, a differenza dell’Italia, raramente si è soggetti a sanzioni per aver applicato male la normativa fiscale.
Per interpretare la legge, non si basa su una miriade di delibere ministeriali, circolari dell’Agenzia delle Entrate, dottrina e linee guida dei funzionari tributari, ma sul precedente giurisprudenziale, cioè sulle sentenze di giudici che si sono già occupati simile caso precedente.
Non esistono acconti IVA e anticipi Irpef.
Lo Stato non ti chiederà mai di anticipare imposte, non ancora dovute, calcolate su una stima del fatturato o del reddito della LTD
Ultimo aspetto da considerare, non meno importante (anzi direi tra i più importanti), è la reputazione del company.Vuoi confrontare l’appeal di una società in Inghilterra con l’attrattività che avrebbe la stessa società se stabilisse la propria sede legale in un altro paese europeo?


Per quanto riguarda la tassazione, una società britannica ha un’aliquota dell’imposta sulle società del 19% e l’IVA del 20%.
C’è però una particolarità che li rende appetibili dal punto di vista fiscale.
Le società srl che realizzano un fatturato non superiore a 85.000 sterline (circa 96.000 euro) all’anno, non sono obbligate a richiedere la partita IVA.
To be clearer, the establishment of an English ltd without VAT is like opening a sole proprietorship on a flat-rate basis, but with a turnover threshold set not at Euro 30,000, but at Euro 96,000 per year.
All invoices, in this case, must be issued without charging VAT of 20%.
Just like a flat-rate company, the entrepreneur, who starts a “small Private Limited Company”, cannot download costs for VAT purposes.
What if I exceed the 85,000 pound mark during the year?
Don’t worry: the English tax authorities allow you to regularize the situation by paying a lump sum of 10% on your income.
In Italy, however, if you exceed the flat rate thresholds, the tax authorities ask you for all unpaid VAT.
In short, the difference in treatment is remarkable!
But that’s not all….
Today you too can benefit from all these advantages and, in addition, reduce the costs of setting up and running your company.
Thanks to our accounting management service you can now open your Ltd company in the UK in no time!


I would say that opening a ltd company without a VAT number is the ideal solution, especially for start-ups and digital companies, which, not having many costs to download, at least have the option of not paying VAT on sales up to 85,000 pounds.
This is the case of Roberto and Gabriele, who asked us for advice to find an economical and effective solution to sell accounting software, which they developed together.
Gabriele, in addition to withdrawing revenues from the sale of the software (70 thousand euros a year to be divided into 50% and 50% with Roberto), had expressed the intention of also wanting to carry out consultations on his own to end customers (20 thousand euros about a year).
The ideal solution was to propose the opening of n. 2 LTD companies in the UK, both small limited companies, with which to manage the two activities separately: software sales and consultancy.
Having no costs to download, Roberto and Gabriele in Italy would have suffered too high a taxation (28% direct taxes + 22% VAT).
With two companies L.T.D. now they pay only 19% tax, in a completely legal way.
The two startuppers then opened 2 companies in London and rented a co-working space.
They chose to open a small limited company because Roberto and Gabriele had estimated that the sale of the software, at least in the first years, would not exceed the threshold of 85,000 pounds (96,000 euros).
But if the initial turnover estimate had been higher, would it still make sense to start with a small ltd?
The answer to this question allows me to tell you about the mistakes to avoid on managing a LTD company in the UK.
1st Mistake to avoid: not requesting VAT registration, when necessary
Even if it can be remedied at a later stage, it is always better to start on the right foot by requesting VAT registration if it is assumed to exceed the turnover of 83,000 £.
To request the opening of a VAT number in the UK, it is necessary to have a current account with an English bank.
In the absence of a UK bank account, it is unlikely that the VAT office will issue your L.T.D. a VAT number.
Therefore, if you plan on where to apply for VAT registration in the future, I would recommend opening an account in England immediately and not an account with another foreign bank.
2nd Mistake to avoid: not having registered for VIES
Many startuppers opened a ltd company to sell to customers (companies) located in the European Union (such as Italy, Germany, France, etc.), therefore outside the English territory, however, without registering with VIES.
In b2b (business-to-business) relationships, however, it is always necessary to remember to request registration in the VIES system.
In the absence of VIES, the l.t.d. cannot carry out intra-community exchanges under the VAT exemption regime.
Consequently, customers / suppliers located in other EU countries tended not to deal with the ltd company and, if they unduly applied the VAT exemption regime, with related penalties.
NOTE: From January 1, 2021, with the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, it is no longer necessary to register for VIES.
3rd Mistake to avoid: opening of a ltd company in England with undeclared operational headquarters in Italy
Opening a ltd with operational headquarters inother copuntries is by no means forbidden.
However, it should be remembered that the Italian office (with particular exceptions) must be declared to the Revenue Agency as a permanent establishment in Italy of the l.t.d. and pay taxes to the Italian State on the part of income produced in Italy.
The Italian fixed place of business will be assigned a VAT number, becoming in effect an Italian tax subject, obliged to submit tax returns.
4th Mistake to be avoided: LTD establishment in UK with administrative headquarters in other countries
It is possible to open a l.t.d. with director resident in other countries?
The answer is: it depends on the type of business.
In any case, it is necessary that the administrative headquarters of the private limited company are not located in Italy, which could in this case incur the phenomenon of foreign investment.
If you do not want to risk that your foreign business risk being foreign invested, you can immediately request international tax advice.
5th Mistake to avoid: do not immediately evaluate the need to open an account in the UK
I will deal with this error in the rest of the article.
Opening srl: come e quanto costa?
Aprire una società a responsabilità limitata è davvero molto semplice.
L’apertura di una LTD, infatti, può essere effettuata anche online al prezzo di 15 sterline per i privati ​​residenti in Inghilterra e con 1 sterlina di capitale sociale.
Se il direttore (amministratore) della nuova LTD non è residente in Inghilterra, il servizio di costituzione può essere delegato ad agenzie specializzate al costo di circa £ 200.
Il problema non è aprirlo, ma ricercare una serie di servizi complementari che sono necessari per la gestione della LTD e che questi servizi sono resi da professionisti contabili e fiscali esperti.
Per esempio:

aprire società in Inghilterra company formation in uk company management incorporate a company in Uk

Why should You set up a Limited Company in the UK?

Nel Regno Unito, gli uomini d’affari di tutti i settori amano la costituzione di una società a responsabilità limitata, quando si tratta di scegliere una struttura aziendale legale per le loro attività.
La tendenza a registrare una società come ltd co. sta crescendo in modo esponenziale grazie ai benefici che offre.
La costituzione della società ltd nel Regno Unito aiuta è adatta a tutti i tipi di grandi e piccole imprese, che vendono prodotti digitali o fisici.
Fornisce aiuti molto più professionali e finanziari rispetto a una primaria società di ditte individuali.
Inoltre, è più vantaggioso che lavorare come appaltatore sotto società ombrello.

Vantaggi della costituzione di una società a responsabilità limitata nel Regno Unito

Il motivo per cui l’idea di costituire una società a responsabilità limitata nel Regno Unito ha guadagnato così tanta popolarità è a causa della sua struttura flessibile che offre responsabilità limitata, tassazione efficiente per ltd co e un po’ di professionalità in più con il nome della tua azienda.

Inoltre, il processo di registrazione della società nel Regno Unito può essere semplificato se si sceglie di collaborare con i migliori agenti di formazione aziendale nel Regno Unito, che prenderanno l’iniziativa nell’intero processo, rendendo molto più semplice e conveniente creare la propria società a responsabilità limitata .

Inoltre, supponiamo che tu sia un uomo d’affari all’estero con un’idea nuova di zecca per espandere la tua base aziendale nel Regno Unito creando una ltd co.
Ma non conosci la documentazione legale del Regno Unito e altri processi obbligatori per costituire una società a responsabilità limitata, quindi collaborare con ltd24ore è l’opzione migliore per te.
Poiché il loro team fornisce un solido supporto multilingue, tasse o qualsiasi altra consulenza online.
E in casi estremi, ti fornirà servizi di formazione aziendale online.

Ora, se dubiti ancora dei profitti della creazione di una società a responsabilità limitata nel Regno Unito, tuffiamoci nei dettagli dei suoi vantaggi uno dopo l’altro.

  1. Rischi minimi di responsabilità personale

Ad esempio, se la tua azienda fallisce in futuro, allora ltd co. sarà responsabile per i soldi di quei creditori, non tu.
Ciò è dovuto al fatto che nei processi legali del Regno Unito, è un’identità legale separata che deve sopportare le sue tasse, perdite, proprietà.
Quindi, l’attività è tenuta completamente separata dai veri proprietari.

Ed è l’aiuto più importante e fondamentale che puoi ottenere creando una società a responsabilità limitata nel Regno Unito è attraverso la sua struttura aziendale legale.
Questo tipo di società del Regno Unito è registrato come un’identità legale separata che offre ai suoi azionisti, direttori e altri garanti, protezione sulla responsabilità personale.
Tale pratica legale è chiamata “velo aziendale”, che ti protegge quando la tua attività subisce perdite, debiti o qualsiasi altra pretesa.
D’altra parte, i proprietari di società sotto le imprese individuali sono piuttosto vulnerabili al sequestro dei loro profitti, proprietà, conti bancari e altri risparmi quando una società subisce una perdita.
Ciò è dovuto al fatto che i proprietari di società di imprese individuali non ricevono un’identità separata dalle loro società nel Regno Unito.
Dopo il processo di registrazione delle società nel Regno Unito, gli azionisti di solito fissano il valore delle azioni al minimo possibile, ovvero £ 1. Questa pratica li avvantaggia in un modo in quanto il governo del Regno Unito non addebita ai proprietari più del valore delle loro azioni.
Quindi, in caso di fallimento, gli azionisti pagheranno solo il valore minimo delle loro azioni non pagate, che parte da £ 1 fino a un importo nominale. Inoltre, i tuoi profitti e proprietà personali rimarranno intatti.

  1. Percezioni migliorate della professionalità

Come ci si sente ad avere aziende pubblicitarie che si avvicinano alla tua neonata azienda innovativa?
Sì, se registri la tua azienda come ltd co. è probabile che guadagnerai la popolarità e la fiducia delle persone entro pochi giorni o mesi.
Questo perché le aziende costituite come le società ltd nel Regno Unito hanno un sistema di monitoraggio professionale e rigoroso per la loro rendicontazione, contabilità e conformità legale.
Inoltre, i dettagli finanziari o societari ei conti della società a responsabilità limitata del Regno Unito sono pubblicati pubblicamente, agli atti.
Ad esempio, gli amministratori di ltd co. piace assumere altre società di agenti per consulenze fiscali, contabilità e altre registrazioni per mantenere la trasparenza. Tali società di consulenza sono altamente vantaggiose per le startup inesperte ma innovative. Proprio come ltd24ore ha aiutato oltre 500 aziende digitali ad accelerare la crescita del proprio business e raggiungere il successo nei propri domini.
Considerando che le persone non si aspettano tale trasparenza e affidabilità dal sistema delle società di ditte individuali, quindi il grafico degli investimenti cresce molto lentamente, rispetto alla società ltd.
Pertanto, le società di consulenza consigliano principalmente anche alle piccole imprese di registrarsi come società ltd nel Regno Unito rispetto a un’impresa individuale.
Since the internal functioning of UK Limited company may seem similar to that of a sole trader, you won’t find any management hurdles in setting up the ltd co. As business activities, ownership hierarchies, and internal managerial activities are completely under the control of company owners. The legal entities never intrude in the company’s private affairs unless it’s a matter of any criminal charges upon your company.
The ltd company formation is, by and large, a guarantee of the professional image of the company among the general public.
Besides, the ‘ltd’ tag with your company’s name can fetch higher profits and other aids in many other ways. Such as the public trust over a company’s transparency can allow you to market products and reach wider audiences, and attract more customers and investors.

  1. Avenues of Tax efficiency

Registration of a Limited company UK opens doors of many tax-efficient schemes for your business, through which you can increase the investment bracket.
For instance, the Uk government allows owners of a ltd company to pay around 19% of Corporation Tax imposed on the company’s profits.

With such flexibility, the remaining surplus of profits remains available for investment in the business.

However, sole traders and alike have to go for at most 45% taxes on their profits.
This leads to a decline in yearly profits, which in turn leads to lower investment, which ultimately leads to restricted growth avenues.

  1. Better financial planning

One of the most recommended practices of financial planning is to keep the surplus profits of a company in the business for future growth and operational costs.
The directors or shareholders must not withdraw the remaining profits after paying the tax liability.

Since withdrawing profits will cost you personal taxes along with corporate taxes.
So better it is to save on paying recurrent taxes.
Another plan is to delay withdrawing profits or withdraw them in future tax years because there are lesser rates of Personal and company-based taxes.
Such a strategy can enable a company to be more competitive among others.
Bottom of Form

  1. Benefits of Salaries and dividends

The limited company owners can benefit from the policy of taking salaries and dividends and thereby decrease the brackets of income tax on a year-to-year basis along with National Insurance Contributions (NIC).

Simply, understand it as if you adjust the salaries of your ltd co. directors lower than the primary Threshold of NIC, you won’t be liable to any sort of taxes on this income. Additionally, the company will not have to pay corporate taxes upon such salaries and dividends.

These strategies can save you a handsome amount of sum at the end of the year even after paying all of your taxes. Plus, your annual profits can grow your business by leaving significant room for investment.

  1. Legal Identity if Ltd co.

As we saw earlier, that creating a Limited company in UK means establishing a separate legal identity of the company.
This implies, that a company will be responsible for its debts, liabilities, and other interests as it is allowed to enter into a contract under its own legal name and identity.
The game-changing corollary of this fact is that even if the owners die or are legally suspended for criminal charges, the Limited company in UK can survive and sustain the business because of its separate identity.
The company’s clients and investors will have no impact on this.

  1. Achieving Business Credibility

The professionalism that comes with the creation of a Limited company, has so much potential to add value to your business.
The corporate industries that deal with sensitive information and products require the guarantee of limited company protection for their business contracts.
As you can see the digital businesses these days, deal in storing, sharing, and protecting the legally sensitive information of users and clients, and therefore they do business with other entrusted corporate industries to handle such data.
The big corporate industries require these digital startups to give the professional protection offered by the limited company.
These small startups get support in setting up this limited protection with the help of company formation agents. In this context, ltd24ore has kick-started the journey of 500 digital companies that include app developers, ICT businesses, and e-commerce.

  1. Bank Loans and lending opportunities

The registration of the ltd company in the UK opens doors to many banking opportunities, such as taking loans in the name of the company, without providing security against the personal property of company owners.
Banks mostly prefer to lend loans to incorporated business brands rather than sole traders that make registration of ltd co. more attractive and reliable option.
Moreover, setting up a limited company can allow you to increase your investments by giving nominal shares of your business to the investors who get into a business contract with company owners.

  1. Unique Branding

Under the legal documentations for creating a limited company in UK, the company owners or directors need to specify a unique name of the company. This helps in creating a unique innovative identity of the brand’s products in customer’s minds.

Furthermore, this officially unique name of your business is locked with your identity, and no other company can take that name under UK laws and legal documentations. Whereas this is not the case with sole traders, they don’t enjoy such protection.

  1. Benefits of Limited by shares Company

A company that is limited by shares, enables the owners to issue shares to their other family members so, that they can share the total profit. This profit-sharing technique will help the owner and other family members to reduce personal income taxes.
In addition, Ltd. company owners can get the benefit of their family member’s personal allowances and dividends which are free from taxes.

After analyzing all of these benefits for creating and registering an ltd company in UK, it is absolutely clear that trading under a Limited company is by far, more preferred than trading as a sole trader.
Its professionalism, transparency, and expandable business bases make it more attractive for small startups and other businesses.
However, the process of creating your own ltd company in UK might be exhausting as it is quite technical and crucial for an inexperienced entrepreneur, especially for an overseas business person.

You can find help in UK company formation by reliable company formation agents in UK that also help you to create online ltd companies. And ltd24ore has exceptional history of helping over 500 businesses with their best business practices and consultations.

So why should you fail over and over again in setting up the ltd company?

Contact US
You can open an online UK company in London through our service.
Here are the advantages of opening a company in London with ltd24ore:

  • online constitution without a notary;
  • reduced cost of opening;
  • online accounting, bookkeeping, and tax management service;
  • predisposizione della contabilità aziendale e della dichiarazione dei redditi inclusa;
  • accesso gratuito a software di contabilità basati sull’intelligenza artificiale;
  • assistenza via chat, e-mail, telefono;
  • consulenza con consulenti fiscali.


company formation in uk company management incorporate a company in Uk

Online Company Formation in the UK

Le persone stanno iniziando a riconoscere il fatto che fare affari online è l’unico modo per ottenere un grande successo grazie ai risultati di centinaia di sondaggi. Sono già finiti quei giorni in cui devi riempire file cartacei e aspettare settimane e mesi per ottenere il segnale di via dal registrar ufficiale delle nuove aziende.
Al giorno d’oggi, devi solo accedere al tuo computer e compilare il modulo online per completare il processo di registrazione in circa un’ora senza pagare un solo centesimo a un consulente di terze parti. Anche se potrebbe essere necessario contattare il tuo commercialista per sbrigare alcune formalità online, avrai comunque tutto sotto controllo sin dal primo giorno. Se hai un’idea imprenditoriale e vuoi unirti alla comunità di centinaia di migliaia di altri imprenditori nel Regno Unito, segui alcuni semplici passaggi per registrare la tua azienda e cambiare il corso della tua vita lavorativa in poche ore.
La struttura legale della tua nuova attività deciderà se devi registrare o meno la tua azienda. I proprietari di una società a responsabilità limitata o di una società di società a responsabilità limitata (LLP) devono registrare la propria azienda presso la società, mentre un’impresa individuale può inviare la valutazione completa delle proprie dichiarazioni fiscali annuali a HMRC per svolgere il lavoro per loro.
L’intero processo di registrazione richiede solo meno di un giorno se stai registrando una nuova società o 4 settimane se stai registrando una nuova filiale della tua attività esistente. È un processo semplice e i dettagli su tutte le operazioni della tua azienda devono essere menzionati nei documenti di registrazione. Un’impresa individuale è responsabile per le perdite, ma una società registrata sarà responsabile per alcune di tali perdite.

Vantaggi della costituzione di una società nel Regno Unito

Per un’impresa individuale, la registrazione non è necessaria purché abbiano registrato la loro partita IVA, ma le aziende devono invece registrarsi presso il registro ufficiale delle nuove società nel Regno Unito per iniziare ufficialmente a lavorare. La registrazione della loro azienda è il primo passo per realizzare il loro sogno di imprenditore.
La creazione di una società richiede un po’ di lavoro extra, ma quel lavoro pagherà in futuro, dove godrai di molti vantaggi mentre le aziende non registrate devono pagare grandi scopi o alcune di queste società saranno bandite dall’operare nel Regno Unito e tutti i loro beni saranno essere sequestrato. Ecco alcuni dei vantaggi che otterrai dopo aver formato una società nel Regno Unito.

  • Vantaggi fiscali
  • Migliori opzioni di finanziamento
  • Immagine professionale
  • Aggiungi azionisti alla tua azienda
  • Creare un fondo pensione
  • Proteggi il nome della tua attività

Vantaggi fiscali

Rispetto a un’impresa individuale, dovrai pagare meno reddito e tasse personali come proprietario della tua azienda. La maggior parte dei proprietari prende uno stipendio dalla propria azienda e una percentuale del profitto come azionista per ridurre il numero di contributi previdenziali che altrimenti dovrebbero pagare qualunque cosa accada. Scegliendo questo modo, puoi portare più entrate a casa tua senza fare nulla di illegale.

Migliori opzioni di finanziamento

Quando sei registrato come una società separata, ci sono sempre alcune migliori opzioni di finanziamento aziendale che ti aspettano poiché ti verranno concessi facilmente prestiti di credito, finanziamenti e prestiti commerciali. Tassi di interesse ridotti e un piano di rimborso a tua scelta sono tutti i frutti della registrazione della tua azienda nel Regno Unito.

Immagine professionale

Nella comunità imprenditoriale e nel mercato dei consumatori, formare la propria azienda ti darà un’immagine più professionale e alla fine guadagnerai la fiducia degli investitori per ottenere finanziamenti quando ci saranno difficoltà per la tua azienda. Le grandi aziende tendono a lavorare solo con piccole aziende registrate e la registrazione della tua azienda può risolvere questo problema e aprirti nuove porte al successo.

Aggiungi azionisti alla tua azienda

Puoi avviare la tua azienda come unico azionista ma in futuro, se hai bisogno di aggiungere più azionisti alla tua azienda per soddisfare il bisogno di tempo. Puoi facilmente raggiungere questo obiettivo emettendo un certificato azionario al suddetto azionista. In qualità di proprietario della tua azienda, tutte le decisioni importanti come la nomina del direttore, del segretario e altre decisioni finanziarie richiedono ancora il tuo permesso, quindi non devi preoccuparti che gli azionisti prendano il controllo della tua azienda.

Creare un fondo pensione

I fondi pensione nelle aziende private non sono una cosa comune, ma la legge dice che il proprietario di una società privata registrata può finanziare la propria pensione e non deve pagare alcuna tassa poiché è riconosciuta come una spesa aziendale legittima dal governo.

Proteggi il nome della tua attività

Quando entri nel mercato, ci saranno un sacco di persone che vogliono rubare il nome della tua azienda e altre esclusive della tua azienda, ma la registrazione può risolvere questo problema poiché puoi richiedere un marchio dopo che la registrazione è stata completata per proteggere la tua azienda da furto d’identità. Alcuni concorrenti usano il nome dell’azienda per allontanare i clienti, ma le aziende registrate come marchio possono citare in giudizio in tribunale se succede qualcosa del genere.
La legge del Regno Unito protegge la tua azienda e nessun altro può commerciare con un nome simile al nome della tua azienda, altrimenti dovrà affrontare alcune gravi conseguenze. La registrazione ti dà un sospiro di sollievo poiché non devi preoccuparti di nessuno dei tuoi concorrenti che ruberà il tuo nome e lo userà per aumentare i loro profitti.

Requisiti per la costituzione di società online

Sebbene sia possibile costituire una società a responsabilità limitata nel Regno Unito senza dover superare barriere burocratiche, è comunque necessario soddisfare alcuni requisiti minimi per formare una società.

  • Il limite minimo di età per il direttore della società è 16
  • Al momento della registrazione, è necessario dichiarare almeno un amministratore della società
  • Dovrebbe esserci almeno una sede legale della nuova società nel Regno Unito
  • Il nome della società non deve essere identico al nome di una società già registrata
  • Al momento della costituzione, emettere almeno un’azione per registrare la società
  • L’ente della tua società può anche fungere da amministratore ma una persona fisica deve essere nominata come primo amministratore per iniziare la registrazione

Passi per la costituzione di società online

To register a limited company by yourself on the official Companies House website, follow these simple steps to get the confirmation message from the working body after you enter the last piece of information.

  • Choose the structure of the company
  • Register the official name of the company
  • Select the company formation package
  • Enter detailed information about the company
  • File the incorporation with Companies House
  • Wait for the approval letter
  • Hold the first board meeting of the company
  • Give share certificates to shareholders
  • Complete the Memorandum and Articles of Association
  • Set up official registers of the company
  • Set up a bank account
  • Register your trademark

Choose the structure of the company

The most effective way to manage your tax is by choosing the private limited as the primary business structure of your company. There are a lot of benefits such as your assets like your house and car will not be at risk if your business fails if you choose the company structure wisely at the time of registration. This business structure is commonly known as the private limited liability company or LLP.

Register the official name of the company

Before you start the registration process of your company, check the availability of the company name on the official Companies House official website. You can research the business market to choose a catchy name and become the inspiration of entrepreneurs. If you choose an existing company name or the name matches the name of another company, your registration application will be rejected no matter how good your proposal is.

Select the company formation package

The company formation package available on offers a lot of benefits and you can buy that package to effortlessly register your company. All the available packages feature assistance in the complete registration process and you can focus on some other important tasks to give your company a good start while everything else is done by experts.

Enter detailed information about the company

Providing as much information as you can about your company will benefit you later as you don’t have to apply for registration again and again by avoiding rejection of the application. Companies House requires business owners to give the official address of their company in the application. Enter details such as name, date of birth, residential address, and other information about the director of the company.
You can appoint a shareholder of your company as the director of your company to complete your application. Registering your company with your house address is possible but that address will be shared with the public so enter the required data with caution. Some third-party consultants help you with registration features packages that you can buy to register your business at the official address of the consultant.
Each shareholder needs to share their basic details like national insurance number, telephone number, maiden name of their mother, first name of their mother, passport number, and eye color, etc. for security purposes to save your company from threats. A SIC code is a great way to describe the activities of your company.

File the incorporation with Companies House

After collecting all the information and meeting the requirements, enter these details on the Companies House website to file your application for the formation of your company. Companies House offers three different packages to choose from according to the type of your company and your needs.

  • The standard fee to register your company with the first package is 10 pounds and you will get the confirmation message to start working in the next 24 hours.
  • The same-day registration will cost you hundred pounds and you will get the confirmation message if you register your company before 3 pm on a working day. You can choose another package so save yourself some extra pounds if you are not in the hurry.
  • The third incorporation method will cost you forty pounds and you will be required to send all your documents to the registrar by post. It can sometimes take a week or more than a week to register the company through this method.

You can choose the 24-hour registration method as it is the cheapest and it takes only 24 hours which is still better than the post-registration method. The same-day registration method is a better choice for those who don’t want to wait for long to fulfill this lifelong dream.

Wait for the approval letter

Now you have to wait for approval from the registrar as the rule says that a limited company can’t operate until they get the approval letter from the Companies House. They usually require some time to check the validity of all the information that you have submitted before they approve a company. The online application can get quick approval as all the information can be checked online as compared to the paper registration application which can take days.

Hold the first board meeting of the company

After you get the approval letter from the Companies House, it is time for you to hold the first board meeting of your newly registered company to complete all the other formalities. Experts of this whole process suggest that it will be better for you to hold a meeting within the first few weeks to take all the directors and shareholders in confidence.
All the details of this meeting should be recorded and kept safe to share with concerned authorities whenever required. You can also share a copy of this data with all your directors and shareholders especially with those who are not present at a meeting to keep them posted about the work while they are away.

Give share certificates to shareholders

The rule book says that at the first meeting of directors after the approval of the company, they can issue certificates to all the mentioned shareholders from the application. No doubt that all those who are mentioned as shareholders in your application is solid evidence for them that they are shareholders in your company but you can still issue them if you want.
Each shareholder certificate show contains information such as certificate number, company name, name of the shareholder, type of shares, number of shares, contact address, and various other details or it will not be considered valid anywhere. After issuing the certificate, you need two company directors or the secretary of your company to sign it before you can share it with the owner.

Complete the Memorandum and Articles of Association

The memorandum and Articles of association are the documents that are going to decide that how your company will run in the future and you need to share these details with the registrar at the time of formation. These documents should be signed by all the shareholders, directors, and secretaries of your company before you post them.
You can create a soft copy of the memorandum and articles of association to send them to Companies House instead of sending a hard copy of them via post that can take a few days. Consultants can create these documents for you if you provide them with all the mentioned documents and details.

Set up official registers of the company

The law states that each company has to create and keep everything in the record to be produced in front of the registrar when required and you can achieve this by creating a register to save everything in the written form. These registers contain a register of directors, a register of secretaries, a register of members of the company, a register of share transfers, and a register of all those who have significant control over your company. There are a lot of third-party consultants available today who can do this work for you so you don’t have to worry about dealing with all those annoying papers.

Set up a bank account

There are a lot of important tasks that you should accomplish after the successful registration of your company and setting up the official bank account of your company is one of those tasks. Whether you are a UK resident or a non-UK resident, you can still open a bank account in the UK for your company to deal with all your financial affairs.
You only need to provide your address and NIC or passport to prove your identity and start the account opening process in a few hours. The requirements for non-UK residents to open their business bank accounts are flexible to encourage them in opening their company in the UK.

Register your trademark

Your trademark will give you the surety that no one else will steal your company name, business model, or logo at all so you can only focus on other important matters. Trademarks are registered based on the class and term of your company to take the security to a whole new level.
Contact your lawyer and consult with them before you apply for trademark registration to cover all the much-needed details in your application as you can’t do anything else if your trademark is registered with the wrong details. In most cases, the trademark registration process takes approximately three months so sit back and relax until your receive the confirmation mail from the registrar that your trademark is now officially registered.

Third-party service to help you form a company

Although the official website of the UK company registrar has the complete step-by-step guide to help you in setting up your company in the UK. But still, some are unable to open their company as they are not aware of the working or they don’t fully understand the requirements and their application is rejected every time because they fill wrong details.

Benefits of using

There are a lot of companies in the UK which can assist you in opening your company and is one of the best company to get this job done for you at low charges as compared to other companies. From opening your company bank account to managing your tax returns right on time, ltd24ore will take care of everything for you and you can focus on taking the company to new heights of success.
Opening your company without having to deal with all this may sound impossible but after paying a small cost everything is possible especially when you don’t have any idea about how things work.

Consultation with experts

Whether you speak English, Italian, or Spanish, you can contact a consultant at any given time to sort out all your issues with them on a priority basis. Professional tax consultants are available twenty-four hours a day for your assistance if you are stuck in some tax problem and can’t get out of it. Contact a customer service representative on your email, phone, or virtual chat to get a solution to all your problems in a short period so you can start working without any further delay.

Registration on a different office address

For non-UK residents or for those who don’t have an official address to register their company, you don’t have to worry as experts at are going to file the registration application by showing a prestigious office location as the official address of your company.

Access to billing software

With the help of advanced billing software, you can keep track of a single penny to reduce the risk of losing your hard-earned money and you can view details of any given date or order with a single click on your computer. The billing software can synchronize your data on the internet so you can view it on all your other smart devices as well as other directors can view it from anywhere around the world.

Tax consultation

Value-added tax registration will be done on behalf of your company and if you provide them access to your Value added tax returns, they will file them whenever required. Annual tax returns will be filed based on data provided by the accountants of your company so you don’t have to pay any extra charges or fines and save some extra pounds to spend them on your company. tax returns prepared by tax consultants with everything covered are your only way to keep your company operating in the UK.

Data synchronization

You can upload all your company data on a cloud server to keep it safe from privacy threats and access it after connecting your computer or mobile device with an active internet connection.

Bank account opening

Aprire un conto bancario per la tua azienda non è facile soprattutto quando non sei residente nel Regno Unito, ma ltd24ore può aprire tutti i tuoi conti in alcune delle migliori banche. Non c’è bisogno di un notaio in nessuna fase quando si apre una società o quando si apre un conto corrente aziendale in una banca.

company management incorporate a company in Uk

UK Company Taxation: What You Need to Know about

If your company is based in the UK, you’ll be liable to pay taxes on your worldwide profits, subject to an opt-out if you are a non-UK permanent establishment.
Non-resident companies have to pay UK corporation tax on their trading profits as a UK permanent establishment.

Trading profits includes profits regarding the development and possession of UK land (even if you’re a non-UK PE), financial gain from a property in the UK and rental business profits made from a UK property.
You will also be expected to pay UK company taxation on all other income from within the UK.
Corporation tax in the UK can be confusing if you’re not familiar with the system and how it works.

We’re taking an in-depth look at the different types of UK company taxation that you’ll be expected to pay as a business that resides and is registered in the UK.

Corporation Tax Rates

From April 2017, the general rate of corporation tax in the UK is 19%.

If your taxable profits come from work relating to patents, you will likely pay a lower effective tax rate of 10% as a result.
These profits can include trading profits from the direct sales of a product relating to a patent, along with profit made from income generated by royalties.

Tax Regimes for Special Corporations

There are four specific exceptions made for the general rate of corporation tax of 19%.
Outside of these four exceptions, there are no special taxation regimes for businesses of a defined size or type.
You will still pay the same corporation tax rate as a small business as that paid by a larger company in the same industry with more employees.

There are tax relief programmes available for businesses of certain sizes.
These programmes usually come with a particular financial incentive, including for research and development.

If you are a larger company, you will have to abide by additional requirements regarding compliance and reporting of your revenue and profit.
When you’re looking at the organisational structure provided by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Custom (HMRC), you’ll see that certain elements are specific to businesses of a determined size.
These policies typically revolve around ensuring compliance of UK company taxation rules with initiatives like the Large Business Strategy.

The four special corporations that have specific tax regulations are:

  1. Banking Sector

If you operate within the banking sector and have a profit margin above £25 million, you’ll be subjected to a supplementary tax of 8% on top of your standard tax.
Loss utilisation within the banking sector is restricted, meaning that you can carry trading losses forward. You can set these losses against 25% of your profits during this period.

  1. Life Insurance 

Companies that offer life insurance are subjected to a special tax regime as a result of the nature of their business. There are various levels of corporation tax rates applied to life insurance companies, alongside special rules involving how profits are quantified.

  1. Oil and Gas Companies

If you’re a company within the oil and gas industry, you’re subjected to a different level of UK corporation tax. Profits that are made from the extraction or right to oil or gas are subjected to various rates.
Ring-fence profits, known as the UK Continental Shelf, are subjected to UK tax rates set in 2006 at a full rate of 30% and 19% at a small profit rate.

The oil and gas regime can allow for 100% capital allowances on most of the capital expenditure made by companies in these industries. Ring fence profits also face a 10% supplementary tax charge, alongside the traditional corporation tax rate.

Revenue tax for petroleum is currently set at 0% due to historical and technical reasons involving oil fields.

  1. Tonnage Tax 

If your business operates qualifying ships which you commercially and strategically manage in the UK, you may be subjected to tonnage tax in place of corporation tax.
This system is an alternative way of calculating your profits for corporation tax. It works by basing the calculation on the net tonnage of your operational ships.

It’s essential to know that your profits under a tonnage tax system replace the tax-adjusted profit and loss regime used in shipping.
Any profits that your business makes outside of this system will be taxable under that standard corporation tax rate of 19%.

Non-Resident Companies and Income Tax

If you are a non-resident company, you will be subject to UK corporation tax on trading profits made in the UK. This system is regardless of whether you are a UK permanent establishment or not.
Trading profits include those attributed to deals involving UK land and any income that is received from holding property in the UK.

Outside of property, you will still have to deal with UK company tax.
Any other income that a non-resident company receives from the UK is subject to the basic rate of tax.

You will usually not receive any allowance as a result unless there is relief offered from a double tax treaty. This system typically arises with non-resident landlords instead of companies as they are dealing with rental income earned from a UK property. These landlords can take advantage of the double tax treaty.
Before April 2020, this was within the scope of the standard income tax rate.

If you are a non-resident landlord (known as NRL), there is a specific government scheme that you have to deal with. The NRL system requires tenants or letting agents to withhold the 20% income tax at the source.
The only exception is when the non-resident landlord has received approval from the scheme and is allowed to receive the gross rent and profits.

Although NRLs are now subject to the standard scope of corporation tax, with regards to profits on a rental property, the NRL system is still ongoing.

Corporation Tax on UK Property Rental Business Income for Non-Resident Companies after 6 April 2020

Before April 2020, a non-UK resident company was subject to paying UK income tax on their property rental income within the UK.
This tax was paid either through direct assessment or withholding the 20% income rate.
The exception occurred if the business was a UK permanent establishment that also traded alongside their property work.

After a policy change, all non-UK resident companies that have a property interest are within the scope for UK company tax.
This policy applies to all profits made by the business following 6 April 2020.

For UK company tax, the profits made do not take into consideration any debits or credit from contacts or loans carried by the business.
A non-resident UK company that has a property business will also have to pay corporation tax on the debits and credits concerning loan relationships.

Following the change in corporation tax in April 2020, there are several other differences made concerning tax rates. The most significant change for businesses is the difference in payment requirements, paperwork deadlines, and tax filings for corporation tax.

There will be, amongst other things, additional restrictions on the deductibility of interest (interest capping), deductions related to hybrid mismatches, restrictions on the number of losses brought forward from earlier periods that can be offset and other provisions relating to the taxation of loan relationships and derivative contracts.
In addition, there are late payment restrictions that can apply where interest is not paid within 12 months of the year-end to certain connected recipients.

DPT – Diverted Profits Tax

In April 2015, the UK government introduced the Diverted Profits Tax (DPT) regime to meet the changing business environment.
This change occurred on the recommendation of the BEPS reports issued by the OECD.
The DPT sits separately from the standard corporation tax.

DPT is levied at the rate of 25%. This rate is 55% with regards to ring-fence operations in the UK, such as oil extraction services.
The Diverted Profits Tax is applied on capital categorised as diverted profits and applies in two circumstances.

  1. DPT is applied when a tax benefit is taken advantage of through third-party entities or transactions without economic substance. These situations involve the tax outcome being unsatisfied and there being insufficient economic substance to the deal between the parties.
  1. It is also applied when a foreign company operates in the UK and deliberate orchestrates its activities to ensure that they fall into another tax category. If the company is considered to meet the conditions for tax avoidance and insufficient economic substance, they fall into the DPT qualification.

There are circumstances where the DPT will not be applied as they are outside of the scope of the specific policy.
The two circumstances above are the general guidelines.

Here are some typical transactions and scenarios where diverted profit tax will not be applied:

  • The parties involved in the transaction are small or medium enterprises (SMEs).
  • The mismatch of tax arises as a result of the loan relationships entered into by the company.
  • Transactions that involve the company receiving payments from pension funds, those with sovereign immunity, charities, and specified investment funds.

In the second scenario above – where DPT rules are applied – the following evokes an exception to the rules:

  • The total UK-related sales revenue amounts to less than £10 million for the period in question.
  • The total UK-related expenses amount to less than £1 million for the period in question.

If a company falls within the scope of the DPT policy – even if they do not believe they will have to pay DPT – they will need to inform HMRC. They may not need to pay DPT due to credit relief.
The notification must be paid to HMRC at least three months before the end of the accounting period where the DPT qualification is met.

The regulations around DPT can be confusing and complicated. If your company falls into this UK company tax rate, it’s advised to speak to a tax consultant.
They can help you understand your situation so that you don’t have any nasty surprises. You may fall into the DPT category without realising as the policy has a wide scope.

HMRC launched the Profit Diversion Compliance Facility in January 2019.
It is targeted at multi-national companies who use arrangements that DPT hopes to rectify but are not within its current scope.

HMRC introduced the Profit Diversion Compliance Facility to encourage businesses that may be impacted by DPT to review their tax policies.
The hope is that these organisations will utilise the facility to make appropriate changes. These businesses can submit a proposal to the facility to pay any additional charge (including taxes or penalties) that are due.

The benefit of using the Profit Diversion Compliance Facility is that it allows companies to make relevant changes to bring their tax systems in line with policy.
The facility enables this to happen without the direct involvement of HMRC, making it quicker and more streamlined.

Income Taxes Across the UK

The UK is made up of four regions – England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. At this time, there are no localised or provincial taxes applied to income.
The only area where this appears possible is in Northern Ireland, where the Assembly has been given legislative power. In the future, Northern Ireland may have a lower rate of corporation tax if legislated on by the Assembly.

It remains uncertain if or when any corporation tax changes may be made in Northern Ireland – especially in light of Brexit. For now, all UK company tax policy is applied uniformly across the four regions of the UK.

At, we can help you open an online UK company in London. The advantages of opening your company in London with the help of

  • You can have an online constitution without a notary
  • Benefit from reduced costs of opening
  • Preparation of company accounts and tax return filing included
  • Free access to AI-based artificial intelligence
  • Assistance is available via chat, email, and telephone.
  • Consultancy with specialist tax consultants.

Get in touch with us today to find out more about our UK company taxation service.

aprire società in Inghilterra company formation in uk company management incorporate a company in Uk

Offshore Company Registration in the UK

An offshore company is a company that is registered abroad instead of in the country where the operational business takes place and the offices are located.
An offshore company can be an interesting model for a company.
If you are thinking of implementing an offshore model and are considering the UK, you should read on here.
In questo articolo imparerai tutto ciò che devi sapere sulla creazione di una società nel Regno Unito e sul modello offshore sull’isola.

Perché dovresti considerare il Regno Unito per la tua azienda?

Il Regno Unito è stato fondato nel 1922 ed è composto da quattro paesi con circa 65 milioni di abitanti: Inghilterra, Galles, Scozia e Irlanda del Nord.
La capitale è Londra e conta attualmente circa 8,5 milioni di abitanti.
Il Regno Unito offre un ambiente molto favorevole alle start-up con la sua common law e la forma giuridica della British Limited.
Il capitale sociale minimo richiesto è solo una sterlina britannica.
L’ingresso nell’Unione Europea nel 1973, la giurisdizione della Corte di Giustizia Europea e la libertà di stabilimento hanno permesso all’inizio del 21° secolo di costituire e gestire società britanniche come la Limited all’interno di altri Stati membri dell’UE senza alcun effetto negativo effetti.
Con solo una stabile organizzazione nel Regno Unito, attualmente si applica una bassa aliquota dell’imposta sulle società del 19% ai profitti della Limited. Tuttavia, il vantaggio fiscale rispetto alla costituzione nazionale può essere realizzato solo se la sede principale dell’attività è nel Regno Unito.
Se l’amministratore delegato gestisce l’attività quotidiana e il destino della società britannica dall’Italia, ad esempio, allora la legge fiscale italiana si applica agli utili aziendali a seguito della stabile organizzazione in Italia innescata dalla residenza italiana del consigliere delegato.
Di conseguenza, anche la stabile organizzazione italiana deve essere iscritta nel Registro delle Imprese italiano.
Tuttavia, se l’unica stabile organizzazione e la sede principale dell’attività è in Inghilterra, si applica la legge fiscale inglese.
Non ci sono dichiarazioni IVA anticipate o pagamenti anticipati in Inghilterra; invece, l’IVA viene dichiarata ogni tre mesi e pagata direttamente.
Inoltre, in Inghilterra non esiste una dichiarazione IVA annuale.
Inoltre, devono essere presentati un resoconto annuale e l’autovalutazione della società per azioni.
Quindi, se apprezzi una rapida ed economica costituzione di società a responsabilità limitata all’interno dell’UE, il Regno Unito ti offre esattamente questi vantaggi.
Gli amministratori e gli azionisti sono pubblicamente disponibili nella Companies House.
Dal 2018 devono essere iscritte al Registro delle Imprese anche le Persone con il Controllo Significativo (PSC) o i Beneficiari.
L’ufficio delle imposte responsabile e del Regno Unito è HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs).
Le tasse ritardate o non pagate sono punibili con multe a volte severe, a seconda della durata della trasgressione. In generale, tuttavia, i funzionari fiscali del Regno Unito sono molto amichevoli e disponibili.

Numerosi vantaggi di costituire una società in Inghilterra :

  • Incorporazione molto veloce
  • Capitale sociale molto basso
  • Capacità giuridica immediata della società
  • Responsabilità limitata immediata
  • Società genuina
  • Costituzione di società in un paese dell’UE
  • Direttiva UE madre-figlia
  • Libertà di stabilimento
  • Settore finanziario stabile e rispettabile
  • La valuta locale è la sterlina britannica (sterlina)
  • La lingua ufficiale è l’inglese
  • Diritto comune
  • Diritto societario favorevole alle imprese
  • Politica, economia e magistratura stabili
  • Aliquota dell’imposta sulle società del 19%
  • Stato di non-dom possibile se residente nel Regno Unito

Procedura per la costituzione di una società nel Regno Unito

Dopo aver ricevuto il pagamento della tassa di elaborazione, una copia del passaporto e una fattura di consumo, può avvenire la costituzione della società in Inghilterra.
Reddito estero esentasse per i non dom
Lo status di non-dom è un uso legale del Regno Unito e garantisce che le persone residenti nel Regno Unito ma non domiciliate fiscalmente (residenti ma non domiciliate) non debbano pagare l’imposta sul reddito estero se rimane all’estero e non viene rimesso nel Regno Unito (base di rimessa).
Tuttavia, a causa delle norme CFC esistenti, il non-dom dovrebbe garantire che vi sia una sostanza sufficiente (fuga di sostanze) nelle società estere.
Anche se questo non è attualmente strettamente controllato in Gran Bretagna, c’è sempre il pericolo che il ‘fisco’ colpisca e quindi possa essere costoso.

Company Formation England Costs

Formation costs and running costs of a UK Limited
The formation costs are a one-time fee of 550 € as well as annual costs for the maintenance of the UK Limited amounting to 400 € per year excluding bookkeeping, annual accounts, and tax return.
The latter items depend significantly on the number of accounting records and must therefore always be quantified on a case-by-case basis.
Opening an account with an established bank
We support you in opening an account with an established financial institution.
If the director is domiciled in the United Kingdom, there is no obstacle to opening an account within the United Kingdom. If the director is domiciled outside the United Kingdom, opening an account is only possible to a limited extent.

The Brexit and the consequences for your Company

The coming into force of the ‘Brexit’ is only a few months away. Following its referendum on leaving the European Union, the United Kingdom announced that it would be leaving the confederation.
Since the British would like to secure as many advantages (EU internal market) as possible and to take on corresponding responsibilities within the alliance, this is contrary to the principles of the EU and there are therefore difficulties in the exit negotiations, the consequences of a Brexit are not foreseeable.
If this happens in a disorderly manner (hard Brexit), the recognition of the British Limited is at risk in any case.
This would have severe negative effects for British limited companies with their administrative headquarters in EU member states.

Cancellation of a British Limited Company

Are you already a shareholder or managing director of a British limited company and would like to delete it in view of the Brexit or for other reasons?
Contact us and we will put you in touch with a tax advisor in the UK who will carry out the ‘strike-off for you.
Accounting, annual financial statement, and tax return of the Company
In the UK, there is a duty to keep accounts, a duty to keep records, and a duty to file the annual tax return (Income Tax Statement). If you are unable or unwilling to handle these tasks on your own, we would be happy to recommend an experienced tax advisor who is familiar with UK tax law.

Characteristics of the UK Offshore Company

The UK has a fast and efficient registration process for offshore companies.
Company formation can be processed online within a day.
Note that after the offshore company is incorporated, the names of the directors, information about directors and shareholders will appear in the public records.

What are the main uses for UK Offshore Company?

These are the main sectors where offshore companies prefer to be based in the UK:

  • Holding Company
  • Commercial activities
  • Trading house
  • Asset protection
  • International Investment Company

Offshore companies in the UK: Liability for income tax, capital gains tax, and value-added tax

UK tax for offshore companies

UK incorporation rules require Private Limited Companies to pay UK corporation tax at a rate of 20 – 28%, which is determined after a company files its annual returns.
Company directors are also responsible for paying UK income tax on all company profits.
No tax is paid on dividends of a holding company and there is no double taxation on dividends distributed to EU member countries.
After incorporating the offshore company in the UK and going through the incorporation process, a Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) number is issued by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), which is sent to the company’s registered address. HMRC will instruct you on how to register your company, file the company accounts and pay the company taxes.
The property will be owned by an offshore company, Arc Pte. Ltd (fictitious company name).
Only the basic rate of UK income tax (20%), will apply regardless of the amount of income.
This can result in significant savings compared to the personal property where the graduated UK income tax rates (up to 50%) apply. Property tax would be deducted at source by an agent or tenant.
However, it is possible for the owner to apply to HMRC for a release that would allow them to receive the income gross.
Capital gains tax for offshore companies
Capital gains tax is a tax on the gain when you sell (or “dispose of”) something (an “asset”) that has increased in value.
It is the profit you make that is taxed, not the amount of money you receive.
You bought a studio apartment for £150,000 and later sold it for £200,000.
This means you made a gain of £50,000 (£200,000 minus £150,000).
Usually, non-resident UK offshore companies don’t pay capital gains tax. The territorial scope of this CGT depends on the taxpayer’s residency and not where the asset is located.
This means that there is normally no capital gains tax for offshore companies arising from the disposal of UK assets unless the gain is covered by corporation tax.
However, there are exceptions to the general rule in connection with UK real estate. An example of the exceptions: Offshore companies may be subject to corporate income tax or income tax on income from UK real estate, depending on whether the company trades in or invests in UK real estate. Where corporation tax applies, capital gains are also included in the levy.

UK VAT – What is the rate of VAT in the UK?

Value Added Tax (VAT) is charged on the sale of goods and services in the UK. The standard VAT rate in the UK is 20%.
The reduced VAT rate of 5% applies to some goods and services, such as child car seats and household energy.
If a business does not have an annual turnover of more than £85,000, VAT registration is not required.
A business that registers can gain a number of benefits through registration, such as the ability to reclaim input tax and collect VAT from customers. Businesses register through the (HMRC) website.
Some things are exempt from UK VAT, such as stamps, financial and property transactions.
The VAT rate that businesses charge depends on their goods and services.
What is the best offshore company structure?
There are 3 offshore company structures that are often chosen by entrepreneurs for offshore company formation:

  • Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
  • Private Limited Liability Company (LTD)
  • Public Limited Company (PLC)

The table below lists some characteristics of these different offshore company structures:
Company Structure Main Features

Limited Liabilty Partnership (LLP)

  • The separate legal entity from its members
  • Taxed as a partnership
  • Must have at least two designated members
  • Must be registered at Companies House
  • Accounting and filing requirements are similar to those of a company
  • Ability to issue debentures, make fixed and floating charges on assets

Limited (LTD)

  • A privately-held business entity with no more than 50 shareholders
  • Limited liability of shareholders
  • Can contract, acquire assets, sue, or be sued under its own name
  • Enjoys low tax rates/tax exemption on income earned outside its jurisdiction
  • Restricts shareholders from trading shares publicly

Public Limited Company (PLC)

  • Also known as a publicly-traded company
  • Can issue shares that can be purchased or traded by anyone on the London Stock Exchange or Alternative Investments Market
  • Must have at least two shareholders and issue shares worth at least £50,000
  • Must appoint at least two directors and a qualified company secretary
  • Can sell shares to raise capital without incurring debt
  • Exists as a legal entity separate from its owners

Summary of an Offshore Company Formation in Great Britain

The UK limited company is quick and inexpensive to set up, has immediate legal capacity, and is ready for use.
In the shadow of Brexit, however, it may soon become uninteresting for many founders.
Those who would like to delete their British Limited can have this done through a British tax advisor, we are happy to recommend one.
The structure that provides your offshore model with the most benefits is the Private Limited Company (Ltd.).
With an Ltd., profits can be shared by shareholders while maintaining financial liabilities.
Ltd24ore – The Shortcut to your Offshore Company
To ensure that you do not make any mistakes and do not lose track of things when setting up your offshore company in the UK, we are happy to provide you with advice and support.
The team of Ltd24ore consists of experienced professionals who will help you with many years of expertise in setting up your offshore company.
With overview, empathy, and the essential professional knowledge we ensure a smooth and satisfying process.
Working with us you will enjoy the following benefits:

  • Online constitution without a notary
  • Reduced cost of opening
  • Online accounting, bookkeeping, and tax management service
  • Preparation of company accounts and the tax return filing included
  • Free access to accounting software based on artificial intelligence
  • Assistance via chat, e-mail, telephone
  • Consultancy with c

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aprire società in Inghilterra company formation in uk company management incorporate a company in Uk

Need a Company Formation Agent in the UK?

You probably do.

You see, starting a company is difficult. And the process is even harder in a foreign country.
After all, what kind of paperwork do you need?
What’s the process of setting up your company in the UK?

Then you’ve got finances to deal with.
What are tax laws like, and what are acceptable accounting procedures in the UK?

And let’s not forget the infrastructure. You need to setup your business’ online presence, different communication channels, and your offline presence.

Seems Like a Lot of Work

It is if you opt to do everything alone.

This is where a company formation agent UK comes in. Those kinds of companies specialize in setting up companies with foreigners, and at reduced costs.

If you’re wondering what those reduced costs are, they can be as little as £20! You can save anywhere from £200 to £300 in accountant fees, or fees from dealing directly with the Companies House.

Speaking of that, the Companies House has some strict requirements on what your application fee should look like. We’ll take care of that by checking everything from missing information, to spelling mistakes!

In fact, we’ll design your company incorporation application to be accepted in the least amount of time!

But all of that is a glimpse into what we offer. So if you want to know what else we’ve got, then keep reading. We’ll discuss the most important benefits of our service and the hassle they save you!

But First: Who Do We Work With?

Ltd24ore works with digital companies. Specifically, we offer company formation for any UK non-resident.

Businesses we work with include e-commerce stores, ICT businesses, and app developers.

Currently, we support over 500 digital companies. We also provide services in multiple EU languages (including German, French, Spanish and Italian).

All of our support exists online, by email, and by phone. You can contact our consultants directly or through chat.

So if English isn’t your forte, then no worries. You can start a company in the UK. We’ll translate any legal terms you should know that are relevant to the process!

Ltd24ore also has a high level of customer satisfaction. We’re well rated on Trustpilot, at a 92% rating, and over 18 reviews.

Picking a Trustworthy Company Formation Agent UK

It’s a tricky process. You need to select your company formation agent UK wisely.

After all, you do run the risk of being scammed by fraudulent agents.

For example, some agents will operate as money launderers. They operate for criminals seeking to funnel illegal money into legit UK businesses.

Dealing with those agents puts your company at risk. After all, you’re business will likely suffer if your agent’s platform goes down.

You might also be at risk of having your activities halted by authorities, or worse face prosecution.

Those aren’t issues you’ll find with our platform. Ltd24ore is certified and well-liked by many clients!

Back to Our Reviews

Want to know what all reviews share in common? It’s their appreciation of professionalism, and a fast setup time.

Ltd24ore will setup your company in less than 24 hours. And that’ll include all the complex platforms and paperwork we’re about to discuss!

Next: Establishing a Limited Liability Company

Our agency focuses on limited liability companies, and for a few reasons.

First, they’re separate entities from their owners. So if they do run risk of failure, the owners aren’t liable to pay anything from their personal assets.

It’s the safest type of company to start.

Also, limited liability companies operate on a shareholder system. Multiple shareholders can own the company, including the directors (those who run the company).

Directors aren’t obliged to own any shares in the company. This makes LTD companies one of the cheapest structures for a UK startup!

Optimal for Low Net Worth Entrepreneurs

You can start a business on nothing but good marketing, a reliable business model, and the ability to convince investors.

If you’re a foreigner, this is a much better alternative than other routes to starting a business (and eventually residing) in the UK.

For comparison, just look at the UK’s investment residency programs. Those are offered by the government as a way to attract new foreign investments. It comes with pre-defined investment channels (for those with little business experience).

However, the program comes with high entry barriers.

A Tier 1 Visa (designated for investors) requires a £2 million just to qualify. And this doesn’t guarantee permanent residency. It’s the minimum for temporary residency.

To be a permanently residing investor, the UK government requires anywhere from £5 to £10 million.

As is obvious, that’s too much for any startup. Combined with the fact that you’re penetrating a new market (and starting a business far from home), you’re better off starting with less capital.

Back to LTDs – How Do You Start One?

First, your presence isn’t required in the UK. You can finish the entire process online and from home.

You’ll need the following information:

  • Company name (one that isn’t used or is registered by another company).
  • Director name(s). You should provide at least one name. They should be over 16 years of age. Corporate directors don’t count towards director names.
  • Shareholder name(s). The name of at least one shareholder, preferably over 18 years of age.
  • Registered address. The address has to be in the UK. All of your business mail will be sent there, and it’ll be your public address when marketing your company.

All you have to do is provide us the information, and we’ll take care of the rest!

It Comes With Advisory Services
We provide support before and after incorporating your company.

That support includes explaining the rules and requirements you should be aware of. That’ll include the naming, appointing directors, and issuing shares.

This is all offered through an online management portal. It’s connected to the Companies House, and it lets you change your company’s details with minimal paperwork!

Third: Our Financial Services

Here’s another problem business startups run into…

That would be accounting failure. Accounting is a fundamental business skill, but the problem is that the requirements change from one country to another.

You might be dealing with different reporting rules from what you’re used. This means differences in how certain principles are reported, such as your inventory valuation, taxes, depreciation, etc.

So if you’re new to the UK accounting system, you’re probably exporting that job to someone else. And luckily, that’s something we offer!

We’ll help you set an online accounting software. The software will be geared to the UK’s accepted accounting practices.

Being online, it has a multitude of advantages, which include…

  • Easy Access. You don’t have to visit or call your accountant on certain schedules. You can update your accounting records anywhere, and anytime!
  • Automation. The software is built for accounting novices. It instructs you on the info required, and any other calculations are taken care by its algorithms. This leads to higher accuracy rates, and less chances of reporting errors.
  • Security. The last thing you want is for your financial info to leak out. You don’t want hackers or third parties getting information on what you’re spending on, and why!
  • Real-Time. That’s part of the automation process. Since you’re running an online business, you can connect your accounting software to your transaction processing. From there, any transaction is immediately recorded. So little manual input is required!

We’d like to stress the real-time and automation advantages. This takes a lot of accounting stress off your shoulders. And it lets you focus on other parts of your business.

For example, you’ll have more time for research and development. You can invest more time and be personally involved in new product concepts.

Something else you’ll have time for is customer relations and marketing. You can take that time to spread your brand name, instead of wasting it on financial paperwork!

That aside, accurate and easy accounting aren’t all we offer. Our software includes a tax management system too!

Tax Management System

We’ll help you setup software that lets you file taxes online. Similar to online accounting, it’s faster and more accurate.

Plus, it’s more intelligible. An online tax system will help you see the deductions and tax credits you’re eligible for. So it’ll shave the costs you’ll pay to the government!

Also, you’ll get better organization for your financial records. So you’ll never get into problems with tax authorities!

Our services include consultancy with experts with lots of tax backgrounds. They’ll help you improve your business’ long-term gains!

Business Banking and VAT Setups

Domestic UK companies have an easy time setting up a business bank account. But this isn’t the case for foreigners.

Some banks might hesitate to offer you their services, and for a multitude of reasons.

They include fraud attempts. It’s easier to get away with stolen funds if you’re a foreigner who lives hundreds of kilometers away.

Another is locality. Some banks work with local residents only.

With us, you can circumvent those problems. We’ll help you setup a bank account for your business initiatives!

Some banks to consider include:

  • Barclays International. You can open an offshore account there, but you’re required to place £25,000 minimum.
  • HSBC. Provides some services for companies whose directors and shareholders aren’t UK residents. Though anyone holding over 25% of shares is required to meet the bank manager.
  • Lloyds. They allow companies of non-UK residents, on the condition that one of the directors resides in the UK.

That aside, you’ve got VAT to account for.

In the UK, that’s a tax charged on sold goods and services. The final customer pays that tax, and at a 20% rate. You’re required to sign up for VAT if your turnover is over £83,000.

Even if your business doesn’t hit that figure, you can still apply for the tax voluntarily. It’s preferable, especially if you think your projected turnover is about to exceed the value we just mentioned.

However, do note that registering for VAT does significantly increase your product’s final price.

So if you’re far from eligible, then set it aside for now. It’ll give you a competitive advantage during your business’ beginning stages!

But Can’t I Do it Myself?

We welcome you to establish a business in the UK without an agent’s help. What we offer is a quick setup for online businesses.

Our company formation UK non-resident service helps you avoid bureaucratic hurdles.

But bureaucracy isn’t all you’re avoiding. You’ve got some political and social issues to deal with, such as…


The past few years have put a strain on the UK’s entrepreneurial market.

First, it’s harder to find labor. And while the UK already offers a highly-skilled and mobile workforce, there’s less supply.

So you’re already competing with local businesses for employees.

Many of those employees would rather work for a business that has a solid foundation, which is what our platform sets up.

Next come the trade barriers.

Your business might be operating with physical products as part of its merchandise (such as selling IT equipment).

You need to ensure that your business can get through those barriers. You should be able to import or export materials and products without problems.

Our platform can assist with that. Our advisory services will keep you up-to-date on changes in trade relations between the UK and countries you’re working with.

Growing Your Business Following

For your business to thrive, you need long-term customers.

That might be hard to establish at first. Your market needs to know who’s behind the brand. They also need to trust the culture of your business.

This might be trying to accomplish. If you don’t have a well-functioning online presence, much of your local market isn’t coming back for more!

Time to Get Started

Company formation Agent UK isn’t a convenience. It’s a necessity for any foreigner.

You’ll have the groundwork set up in no-time. And, you’ll have time to invest in the processes that “really” matter.

Save yourself time and money, and contact us today!

aprire società in Inghilterra company formation in uk company management incorporate a company in Uk

How to Register a Company in the UK

You’ve got your business plan, and you’re ready to turn your dream into a reality.
Before you can start operating your business, you need to get it registered.
Understanding how to register a company in the UK can be confusing. It’s all about paying attention to detail with the legal requirements for registering your business.
You’ll likely need to find an account and lawyer to advise you before getting the process started.
We’re taking an in-depth looking at how to register your business in the UK.

Your Limited Company Options

When you’re registering your company in the UK, you have to decide what type of limited company format you want to follow. There are two primary types for you to choose from.
The most common option is a limited company by shares.
It means your company operates as a separate legal entity from the directors with its own finances.
Shares can be given out, allowing them to take a percentage of the profits after tax.

The second option is a guaranteed limited company.
It operates with guarantors in place of shareholders, who still hold shares. Companies in this category are not-for-profit, with profits reinvested back into the company.
Just like a limited company by shares, these companies operate separately from their directors.

How do I register my company in the UK?

Before you can register a UK company, there are a few steps you need to take first.
It’s ideal to be aware of these steps before you get started so you can plan accordingly.
You want to pay attention to the regulations relating to each step to give your application the highest chance of being accepted.
It’s a good idea to bookmark this page to use it as a reference to help guide you through the process.

  1. Choose your company name

Deciding your company’s name is an opportunity for you to get creative.
Unfortunately, you often can’t use the name that you have your heart set on.
You’re not able to use the same name as another company that has the existing trademark.
An easy way to check this is through the Intellectual Property Office’s official list.
Another tool you want to use is the name-checker tool that is available through Companies House to check if your chosen name is free to use.
You can’t use a name that is too similar to an existing registered name – including using plurals or apostrophes.

It’s worth noting that you can operate under another trading name alongside your registered company name. Your company can have multiple trading names to reflect different products and services that you offer.

  1. Your registered business address

One requirement to register your business is that you must have a registered business address. You want to pay attention to detail and make sure it’s accurate, as this is where all official documents will be sent.

You can use your home address as your registered business address if you are operating from home.
It’s worth noting that your registered address is publicly available through the Company House website. You may decide to use an office address for privacy reasons.

If you don’t want to pay the overhead costs of an office, you can choose to purchase a PO box to get a registered address.
Your documents from Companies House and HMRC will be sent to this address and then forwarded to you. If you want to use this option, you’ll need to arrange this before applying for company registration.

Every registered business address is required to have a postcode and must be in the region of the UK that you are operating in. If you are based in Wales, your registered business address must also be in Wales.

  1. Documents required to register as a company in the UK

There are two legally required documents that you will need to set up to register your business. You will need a Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association for your limited company.

Memorandum of Association

All shareholders or guarantors will need to sign this document to confirm their agreement to form your limited company. This document is required under the Companies Act 2006.
Every shareholder or guarantor must have at least one share.
When registering your business online, this is part of the process and is not a separate document.
If you’re choosing to register by post, you will need to submit this document.
There is a pro forma that you can use to streamline the process. You cannot change this legal document once it is submitted.

Articles of Association

This document is essentially the written rules for your company.
You will need your company secretary, directors, and shareholders or guarantors to read, agree, and sign this document.
The government provides sample articles of association that you can use and that are suitable for most businesses.
If you have a more unique setup, you may decide that you need a more personalised document and require the help of a lawyer.

The people who make up your company

You want to keep track of everyone involved in your limited company and assign them a specific role within your organisation.

  1. Directors

Your company must have at least one director.
These are the individuals who are responsible for overseeing the company.
It’s their responsibility to file the relevant accounts and reports. For an individual to be a company director, they are required to have a registered UK office address, be over the age of 16 and cannot have been previously disqualified from being a director.

It is the details of the directors that are publicly available through Companies House.
Failing to meet your legal responsibilities as a director can lead to disqualification, financial penalty, or prosecution in serious cases.

  1. Company Secretary

You do not legally have to appoint someone as your company secretary.
An individual who has an ‘undischarged bankrupt’ status or is the company’s auditor cannot take up this position.
You can take the roles of both director and company director simultaneously.
If you have another individual in this role, they will work alongside the director.

  1. Shareholders

The majority of limited companies are limited by shares, giving shareholders a significant role.
These shares come with rights and responsibilities on the part of the shareholders.
Your limited company must have at least one shareholder.
When you’re registering your UK company, you will need to include a ‘statement of capital’. 

This document must include the name and details of every shareholder, along with their number and type of shares. It should include the share capital – the total value of them.
You also need to have a section known as ‘prescribed particulars’, the rights assigned to the shareholders through the shares.

  1. People with significant control

One category of people that is often overlooked is those with significant control.
They must be included in your PSC register, and Companies House must be informed of their role.
A person is considered to have significant control if they meet one or more of these criteria:

  • They own more than 25% of your company’s shares
  • Have more than 25% of the voting rights for the company
  • Have the authority to appoint or remove the majority of the board of directors

Failing to record the information about those with significant control in your company is considered a criminal offence.

The SIC Code

SIC is an acronym that stands for ‘standard industrial classification of economic activities. 
It identifies the type of company that you have.
There is a full list available from the Office of National Statistic to help you find the most appropriate SIC code. You will need to select the right code for your company.

Registering Online with Companies House

You can use the Companies House website to legally register your UK business. It comes with a £12 fee and usually gets an approval within 24 hours.
You will receive a ‘certificate of incorporation’, which is considered your registration evidence and provides you with the date of birth for your company’s limited status.
You will also find your unique registration number in this document, which you’ll want to make a note of for future reference.

You will need to have at least three pieces of evidence for the director and shareholders or guarantors while registering your business.

You will need the following personal information:

  • Mother’s maiden name
  • Father’s first name
  • Phone number
  • Passport number
  • Town in which they were born
  • National insurance number

You will need to create a government gateway identification and password for your newly registered company which is separate from your own.

As part of the registration process, you will need to register with HMRC for corporation tax.
At this stage, you can also register for PAYE (pay as you earn) if your company has employees.
Even if the director is the only one who works for the company, they are still considered an employee.

You do not have to complete your Companies House registration at once.
You can save your process and come back to it at a later time.

Registering your company via post

If you don’t want to use the official Companies House website, you can register your company via the post. You will need to complete a Form IN01, although this is a slightly more expensive process.
You will need to send the IN01 form and a £40 cheque to Companies House.

If you opt for this process, it will take up to 10 days for your company to be registered.
This process does not include your corporation tax registration with HMRC.
You will need to register for your corporation tax within the first three months of your trading.

Do I have to be a UK resident to set up a UK company?

There are currently no restrictions against those of third-country residency status from becoming a director, company secretary, or shareholder of a UK company.
The only relevant legal requirement is that the company must have a registered UK address.
In this scenario, you can use a registered office or premises address, along with a PO box if you are not a UK resident.

You want to check your work visa to see if it impacts your employment opportunities.
If you are on a work visa, you cannot earn an untaxed income.

Do I have to register my business in the UK?

If you’re operating as a self-employed sole trader, you don’t need to register your company through Companies House. You’ll fall into a separate category with its own regulations.
In this scenario, you have to register for a self-assessment with HMRC for your tax and National Insurance contributions.
If registering as a company isn’t for you, you’ll likely fit in as a self-employed sole trade.

Formation Agents

If you do not have the time to register your company yourself, you can use formation agents.
They act on your behalf to register your company and do so electronically.
Using formation agents can save you time and make the process more streamlined.
You will need to make sure you have all the information mentioned above to provide to your formation agents. Having this information available right away can make the process faster.
Take the initiative to check that your preferred company name is available and that you have all your information to provide to the formation agents.

How can help you register your company

Our service is here to help you open an online UK company in London.

This service comes with several benefits, including reduced opening costs, an online constitution without a notary, and free access to accounting software based on artificial intelligence.
We also offer online accounting, bookkeeping, and tax management service, including advice from tax consultants. Our team are available to assist you via chat, email, and telephone.

Are you ready to register your company in the UK?
Get in touch by emailing us at or call us at (0039) 028 717 780 4. 

aprire società in Inghilterra company formation in uk

How to register a business name Uk?

The registration of the official name is the first step of starting a business and the completion of the registration process will give you a sigh of relief as you now have proof of turning your idea into a real-life business.
The process may differ depending on the type of the business and there is a piece of good news if you are a sole trader because you only need to register with HMRC within three months.
The HRMC will charge a tax return of your income as a sole trader based on your assessment at the end of a business year.
When establishing a limited company, the owner needs to choose a unique name and it can cost the owner some money to find a secure business name.
The registration of a business is a sign of legitimacy and you will eventually build a trust bond with your customers and investors.
The question that do I need to register my business UK comes to the mind of new business owners and the answer to this question is yes as registering their new company right on time can save them from losing everything when authorities will take action against you.
Some business owners tried to bypass this registration process but they faced some serious consequences and some of them even lost everything.

Benefits of registering a company name

A limited company with an officially registered name will pay less personal tax as compared to a company registered as a sole trader without doing anything illegal.
If your business fails after some time, you don’t need to worry about paying any loans as you are not responsible for any financial loss of your limited company.
Doing business with a big company shouldn’t be a problem as long as your company is registered as most companies look for limited companies as business partners.
Banks easily provide loans to limited companies and the owner can even sell shares of the company to meet the needs of the bank loan is not enough.
Plans for any worst possible scenarios are finalized at the start of the business so you can demise your company in a few steps.
Pensions of your employees are considered a legit business expense and there will be no tax on pension contributions.

Steps to register a business name

Here is a step-by-step guide to registering a company name in the UK without any prior knowledge about how to register the name at all.
Follow each step according to the given guidelines and you can register a company name in a matter of few hours without paying any extra fees.
Create an account by entering your email, address, name, and password on the Companies House website to start the online registration process.

  • Check for the name of the company
  • Choose the official address of the company
  • Choose a SIC code
  • Appoint the director of the company
  • Enter the share structure of your company
  • Give information about shareholders
  • Sign the official statement of compliance
  • Pay the company formation fee

Check for the name of the company

Go to the official website of the company registrar in the UK and enter your idea about the name of your company to check if it is already in use by some other company or it is similar to the name of an existing company using the name availability checker tool.
Beware of using any sensitive words or terms in the name of the company as it can land in your problems with official authorities of the said department.
Registrar can reject your submission if you don’t follow all the rules and the whole process will start from the first step that can cost you some extra money.
Using a word without the consent of the official department in the written form can result in rejection of your application to register the limited company name.
Write the official name of your company in all the supporting documentation and double-check it to remove any mistakes before you submit them on Companies House’s official website.
The business name and the official name of your limited company can be different.
After registering the name, you can apply for the trademark to make the name exclusive to your business so you can get compensation in case someone else uses it.

Choose the official address of the company

If the name of the company is available, the next step is to enter the official UK postal address of your new company so authorities can send official notifications to you in the future.
The address of the company will be made public and anyone can get the address from the official site so try to use the address of the office instead of the address of your home.
There is an option to enter the address of the official tax and accounts handler of your company.
You can get help from your company formation agent to receive all the official mails for you at their address and you will pick the mail from them whenever you want to keep your house address separate from your company information.
The address will contain information such as country of registered office, building number, street number, floor number, city name, postcode, post town, locality name, and the name of the street.
The address should contain the name of the country where you want to register your company and not the name of some other country to receive all notifications sent to you using the postal service right on time.

Choose a SIC code

A SIC code is used to state the nature of your business and what your business will do based on the official standard industrial classification of economic activities.
Each SIC code contains information about your company in the form of group headings and trade descriptions. The rules allow you to add more than four different SIC codes to a single application to register the limited company name.
You can change the SIC code at any given time and there is no restriction on how many times you can change the SIC code.
Any department can get complete information about your company using the SIC code to send you notifications accordingly.

Appoint the director of the company

The rule book says that there should be at least one director of your company and you need to name the director in the registration process or else your application be rejected in the first place.
The minimum age limit for the director of the company is 16 and there shouldn’t be something that can disqualify the candidate from being the director of the company.
You can make more than one director of your company divide the work and make your business running in no time.
Enter two public addresses of each director and officials will check the authenticity of each address before accepting your application.
Both official service address and residential address can be the same but then you need to add another residential address for the same director.
Double-check all the information and details of the candiate for the director before filling the application.
The director will run the business and prepare all the company accounts to start the business as soon as you get the OK sign from the registrar.

Enter the share structure of your company

Each limited company has shares and the application to register a limited company should also contain information about shares of the company and the statement of capital.
Choose the type and class of shares of your company from the given options and the total value of each share.
There is no limit of shares for a company and you can value the individual shares and collective shares at any given price.
Choose the currency of your company and enter the aggregate nominal value of each share as well as can prescribed particulars of shareowners such as the power of shareowners in making decisions of the company.

Give information about shareholders

The requirements for registering a limited company name states there should be at least one shareholder of a company that is made up of shares and all shareholders own the percentage of the company based on the number of shares they own.
A shareholder who owns more than 25 percent of your company should be stated as someone with significant control because they can make some powerful decision to change the fate of your company completely.
You have the option to change the nature of the control of someone who has significant control at the time of registration.
Enter the town of birth, telephone number, national insurance number, passport number, maiden name of mother, first name of the father, and color of eyes of each shareholder in the application.
You can enter data in three categories to complete the authentication process of a shareholder using their personal information.

Sign the official statement of compliance

The rightful owner of the company needs to confirm that he or she fulfilled all the requirements stated in the Companies Act as the process to form a new company is a legal exercise and leaving any loose ends may result in a loss in the future.
The statement of compliance is at the end of the registration application and you can sign it to send it to the officials to start the process.
It will give surety to the concerned authorities that you will run your business by following all the rules and never try something illegal.

Pay the company formation fee

Pay the fees to register the company online after entering all the information by following all the above steps.
Try to set up a business after applying and register your company for corporation tax within three months period after your company starts the business.
You can pay this fee through your credit card, debit card, or by using your PayPal account after submission.
The registration costs may differ depending on the type of registration you choose and the online registration process will only take 24 hours and the fees of online registration is 12 pounds.
Most business owners prefer this registration process as it easy and you don’t need to go to any government office.
If you happen to submit your application before 3 pm on a working day, officials will start working on it immediately and you will get the confirmation on the same day to establish your company.
The same-day online registration costs 100 pounds but you can save those extra pounds by choosing some other registration method especially if you are not in a hurry at all.
Submitting the registration application by post can take up to one week and it will cost you 40 pounds which is more costly than all the other registration processes.

Advantages of using to register the company

Nowadays, a lot of third-party services such as can help you with registration by only getting information from you and everything else is done by them.
These are the advantages of using to register your company without stressing your mind out.

  • The cost to register your company is reduced and you don’t have to worry about filling in wrong information as everything is done by professionals
  • You can consult with tax consultants to solve all your tax-related problems in the same subscription
  • It features an artificial intelligence-based account software to take responsibility for your business accounts and keep a record of profit, cost, and loss, etc.
  • You can contact a customer service representative using your email or phone number to get answers to all your questions
  • Filing your tax returns can be done in a few minutes as you will receive ready-made tax returns with everything covered
  • You don’t need a notary to open your company
  • Experts will prepare all the accounts of your company according to your needs
  • You can keep all your business data such as accounts and tax files on the internet to access them from anywhere around the globe
aprire società in Inghilterra company formation in uk company management incorporate a company in Uk

A Quick Guide for Setting up a Limited Company UK(2021)

Although setting up a Limited company in the UK is easy yet especially for non-residents, just understanding the entire process can be hard and time-consuming.
So consider this post as a quick and easy guide that tells you all the nitty-gritty details of setting up a digital limited company, from selecting a company name to the final registration of the UK company.
One bonus tip to minimize the entire hustle is to collaborate with best company formation agents in UK for your company formation.
It also minimizes the cost of cost of creating UK company.
In this context, it is commendable that ltd24ore has already helped 500 digital startups such as businesses of app development, e-commerce and ICT etc., to become successful and profitable.

Without further ado, Let’s get right into the details of how to proceed with United Kingdom company formation.
What is a limited company UK?
The limited company is nothing but a business structure separated from its owners, such as shareholders and directors. It is a kind of entity where sole traders and businesses are on similar designations.
It helps all those people who want to take risks in their businesses and lift the burden of all the liabilities. This is because, in the UK, even a single person, by law, is allowed to establish a limited company.
Pros of setting up a limited company the UK
Sole traders and digital start-ups love ltd co formation these days to enhance their businesses in the UK. Plus, the availability of online company formation packages by service providers makes it possible for non-residents to set up a limited company online.
• Easy eligibility criteria to create company UK
Almost anyone above the age of 16 is allowed to create a company UK. This sort of business structure is quite flexible and feasible for those who want to increase the staff later on.
• Liability over ltd Company
And yes, if you go with UK Company formation, you get the monetary benefits as well. As ltd co. The UK has its own legal identity, and therefore, only the company is liable in times of losses. The owners will only lose what they would invest in.
• Cost Professionalism
Another perk of UK ltd company is linked with expected ‘professionalism’ of the company. For instance, Companies are considered as professional with an ltd tag. Thus, attracts more customers and buyers.
• Saving through taxes
Also, suppose management runs the company efficiently. In that case, your decision of UK company formations can be more effective in tax payments as owners can pay taxes through business profits and pay themselves via salaries and other dividends, and this is not the case with sole traders.
Cons of Setting up a limited company UK
Although it has a lot of benefits with that said there are multiple responsibilities related to it. AS ltd co formation is not much easy to run as its facilities come with major responsibilities. It also incorporates the increased role of legal documentation and registration processes.
• Aligning the business with ltd co formation
Governmental policies require owners to undertake rigorous analysis over the type of their businesses and the specific requirements of their businesses. So, for example, if your business needs are likely to match with that of a sole trader, you might not explore the option of ltd company formation in the UK.
• Time-Taking
The owners have to go through many phases of legal documentation, such as legal selection of business names and buying trademarks to the final step of UK company registration. The entire process takes quite a lot of time.
• Cost of setting up a limited company UK
The owners have to register the business with UK Companies House.
Moreover, it requires a constant expenditure over efficient business maintenance and management. Such as regular hirings, bookkeeping, record keeping, bank account maintenance, and other management jobs demand some extra pennies from time to time.
• Privacy issues
Also, one big issue with ltd companies is related to the privacy of the company’s data. The private data of the company’s higher officials have to be uploaded on Companies’ House servers which are online, and the data is available to the entire public.

How to set up a limited company in UK(2021)


1. Wait and re-evaluate your need to set up a limited company in UK?

For your UK company formation, the first and foremost thing to do is analyze your business niche’s requirements.
These requirements will decide whether you need to set up an ltd company in the UK or not.
The option of creating a limited company in the UK can be replaced in these four to five situations as described follows:
• Sole Trader
This kind of business structure is feasible for small business owners. Sole traders are individual owners of their businesses who do every job of their company.
Also, they don’t need much paperwork or legal documentation to enter into the entrepreneur’s category. They probably have fewer business responsibilities than ltd co. owner.
• Business Partnership
Think of it as sharing all the business responsibilities with your partner, be it business losses or bank loans for the ltd company.
Along with losses, they also share profits emerging from the running business, and due to that, they also have to share the Tax returns.
All you have to do is select the company’s name, nominated partner and quickly register with HM Revenue and Customs.
• As an Overseas Company
Being a non-resident of the UK, while coming from another corner of the globe, you may still want to open a business space in the UK. Maybe because you need another branch of your well-established business through the process of United Kingdom Company formation.
This option is for you, but remember to register with HMRC to ensure Corporation Tax.
• Unincorporated Associations
These are non-profitable organizations such as sports clubs etc. These companies don’t have to pay taxes if they are not making profits.
• Social Enterprises
These are also non-profitable businesses based on charities and donations. These have to follow the rules and regulations other than those of ltd.
The whole point is that before you begin to tick mark the checklist of setting up a UK limited company, spend a significant amount of time analyzing your business’s requirements and then go for ltd co formation.

2. Name your limited company

You may like to name your fashion brand DIOR, but Sorry! You cannot do so if you choose to create a company in UK. This is because the government policies don’t allow the new ltd companies to pick existing names for their businesses.
Try to come up with your own authentic and original name during your company formation in UK.
Along with uniqueness, the company’s name should not be offensive or disrespectful towards community members. And do look out for existing trademarks to keep yours unique.
Does it exhaust you to think of a unique and representative name? You can get consultations from the best company formation agents in the UK. They can help you to name the business accurately.
Among these agents, ltd24ore stands out with its fresh thinking and practical business approach. Therefore, it is a trend to hire the agency from the beginning of your company formation process in the UK.

3. Selection of Company directors and their responsibilities

The company owners can decide on any number of directors, but one director is mandatory to set up a limited company in the UK. However, the director’s age should be above 16, who will carry on legal and financial duties.
These responsibilities involve taking business-oriented decisions, following Articles of association rules, incorporating shareholders in profit distribution, etc. Most importantly, this person has to struggle with the company’s records, bank accounts management and reports any modifications. Filing Tax on Return and pay Corporation Tax can be super struggling, though.
It is a kind of One-Man show if there is only one director in your company. And if the director commits a human error in these jobs, strict governmental penalties will be on his/her way.
Thankfully, ltd24ore helps your limited company formations by placing the responsibility of all these tedious tasks on their top-rated Tax Consultants and other experts.

4. Shareholders and their shares

Generally, to register UK companies, there is no upper limit on shareholders’ selection, but yes, at least one shareholder is necessary. A Shareholder and a director can be the same as well.
During the phases of a limited company’s formation, you need to give information regarding the distribution of shares among shareholders. For instance, the ltd company has to share the total number of shares and their accumulative value. Also, shareholders’ personal details must be provided during the creation of the ltd company in the UK.

Who is a Person with significant control over ltd co. in Uk?

People with Significant control are the ones who can exercise influence within your limited company.
The Companies House requires you to provide details about these people while you set up your ltd company.
They can have more than one-third of shares in the company or voting rights of more than 25%. Also, they can be influential enough to appoint directors of the limited company.

5. Documentations over setting up a Limited Company UK

Documentations are an essential part of a company’s creation. These inform the actual structure of the ltd company.
For instance, UK company registration requires the memorandum of association that is the agreement of shareholders over company formation.
The Online company formation processes automate this agreement.
And articles of association are explicit rules to run the limited company after the creation of the UK’s company.
The Shareholders and directors give their consent to these rules in these documents.

6. Record keeping of a limited Company UK

It is the most sensitive part of your company formation’s process, as it involves heavy legal penalties in case of failures. Therefore, the director must stay vigilant in handling the company and Bank account records.
Otherwise, the penalty of £3,000 or disqualification is expected for the director.
The company records are detailed records of company personnel including directors, shareholders and company secretaries, etc. These records are basically composed of different voting results of the ltd co., company loans, losses, and much more.
The accounting records consist of monetary transactions of the limited company in the UK and abroad. It also entails information regarding company assets, debts, stocks and product supply, etc.
Filing a Tax Return at the end of the year also requires the maintenance of all these records because it is calculated from the data of these records.
Accurate bookkeeping and record keeping are a must for running a successful limited company.
The company director hires specialized agents for the job to avoid failures and penalties. And as discussed earlier, how ltd24ore can help you secure this sensitive job.
The specialists at ltd24ore not only maintain these records but also keep you updated about any possible issues and further suggest highly practicable business solutions.

7. The company Registrations

Lastly, it’s time to register the limited company with Companies House that requires an official address of the company’s office and SIC code to tell Companies House about your business’ nature.
However, if you choose ltd24ore for assistance in the registration process you can get a complete package of services for setting up a limited company in the UK, at super exciting rates.
So why should you struggle in lengthy and tedious processes of Company formation?
Contact US
You can open an online UK company in London through our service.
Here are the advantages of opening a company in London with ltd24ore:

  • online constitution without a notary;
  • online accounting, bookkeeping, and tax management service;
  • preparation of company accounts and the tax return filing included;
  • free access to accounting software based on artificial intelligence;
  • assistance via chat, e-mail, telephone;
  • consultancy with tax consultants.
aprire società in Inghilterra company formation in uk incorporate a company in Uk

UK Companies Registration and Formation

You may have at some point wondered what is involved in the process of UK companies registration and formation. First, I was concerned about the rigorous and lengthy timing which might be involved. This was before I got to know that UK company formation has been simplified. The whole process can simply be done online, in the comfort of your homes.
Great, right?
The whole idea behind UK company registration is simply to transform your business into a legal entity. This can be achieved by registering your business as a limited company.
I remember asking a mentor why I must have my business registered. I mean, can’t I just start up a business and handle the risk myself? I certainly hope I am not the only one who has thought this way.
The summary is that was the day I finally discovered why everyone including you must have your business registered. Imagine having the law treat your business as if it was an actual person and therefore protecting its right even when your business is unsuccessful?

Why to incorporate a company in UK?

What UK company registration does is create an actual legal standing for your business.
Now, your finances, liabilities, agreements, and properties or asserts are all covered by the law.
In recent times, this process is completed through applications that are delivered electronically and approved within a short time frame. You do not even need to have everyone you wish to work with on the ground last the formation of the company. All you need at this point is just an individual who can register and run the business.
I know you are already excited and can’t wait to have your business right identified and protected like a person.
However, let’s take it slowly. When I recently met a friend who felt distraught because he felt all odds were against his business registration.
The problem was that he already set a target to achieve this goal.
Just like you must have done.
You know those thoughts we write down and tell ourselves.
Which include statements like “before the week is over, I should have my five businesses registered and running.”
However, what he didn’t know was that there are certain things that you need to put in place before these can be achieved. And this is why this article is for you. To guide you through what you ought to know before registering your business. Now, you don’t have to look as worried as my friend looked.

What You Should Know Before You Register Your Business

#1. What type of business do you want to start

This question is very important to know the kind of work needed to be involved. Are you sure you need a limited company? If you are in the affirmative, congratulations.
If you are not, you have nothing to worry about. You should be glad that you made up your mind before you started.
I once met a man who had started up a clothing business a while back. When our paths crossed again, he seemed to be talking about everything else but business. So I asked him about the business. I would have asked if I wasn’t aware of all he went through to have his business registered. Oh yes, his business was registered and running when we met.
He narrated to me how unprepared he was to be a major CEO.
He thought he was ready but after the next two years in the start-up business, he started facing reality. It wasn’t a problem for him to have a business. However, running a UK company register was huge for him. And maybe for you too.
If you have decided to run a limited company, you should understand the different types of a limited company. You should also be able to understand your options. Then, you should get the one that is right for your business.
Some of these UK companies include:
● Limited by shares,
● Limited liability partnership, and
● Limited by guarantee.
However, UK companies that are limited by shares are the most common type for companies looking to make a profit. UK companies limited by guarantee are mainly for non-profitable and charity organizations. UK companies limited by liability partnerships usually retain the flexibility of the traditional partnership structure. However, a Limited Liability Partnership also offers limited financial liability.
It may seem obvious for you to make a choice. However, it is advised that you consider the options to decide which business form is most preferred.

#2. Decide your company name:

Every company deserves to have a great and distinguished name for its business. As simple as having a name sounds since almost everything has a name. You may discover that a lot of people have a really hard time choosing a good company name. A company name should contain a sensitive or catchword.
I did have a hard time finding a peculiar name for my business initially before i started. Not that the names didn’t come up, actually a lot of them did but I couldn’t decide if these names were good enough. This got to me and one day, my friends came together and decided on a name for me. What they chose was not too different from what I had in mind. I guess it was the pressure on me that led to the indecision.
You could go-ahead to meet your family and friends if you are having a name block. You should have in mind that the name would be tied to your business and therefore, it must be unique. It must not be a name that has been used several times by different people or anyone at all else your name would be rejected. So, it is necessary to check if the name chosen is available before you register your company in the UK.
You should also ensure that your company name is not offensive or sensitive. Therefore, avoid making use of phrases or words that show a connection with the UK government, administration, or public authority.
As much as you can, keep your business name short and simple. It should not be a name that is hard to spell. This is to ensure that your company name is easily remembered by your audience. Your company name should also be able to tell people what services you offer.
You could also check in on any company house for suggested and available company names.

#3. Gather the documents needed for Registration

Remember the story of a friend who got distraught? It was actually because he did not put some of these documents together. It, therefore, became stressful when he had to get them and according to his time limit. They include:
● A registered office address
● Details of your company directors
● Details of your company shareholders
A UK company registered address must be an official address that appears on the record, can receive the company’s mail, and reach the directors. If you run your business from home, you can use your home address. However, if you are not comfortable with it then you could contact a registered agent service.
The details of the company directors include their name, date of birth, and residential address. The director’s address is exclusively for accessing the company’s director. This address is shown on the companies public record. It is used in cases whereby individuals or company house mails would want to get to the director himself and not the company.
The details of the company’s shareholders also include the name, address, and birthday. Every company must have at least one shareholder. Such a person may also be the director of the company. You can ask for the person’s National insurance number, phone number, passport number, etc.
Other details include:
● The goals and objectives of the company
● Share capital creation etc

#4. Confirm your UK company registration with companies house

To confirm it, all you need to do is to send it to the companies house where it would be approved. I recall how excited i was after i completed all other initial processes at first. So happy that I asked myself if it was necessary to send it, after all, i had everything good and ready. Of course, it is very necessary.
The function of this company house include:
● Registration of companies
● Receiving information about the UK registered companies.
● Ensuring that the public can access all past and present UK registered business.
After you have sent it, you need to wait for approval. Therefore, until you have received this approval, you can’t operate your business as a limited company. Legally, any agreement you make before your business is approved is thanks and void. Once the company house undertakes some approves all the information you sent, you will be notified.
However, it is important to note that filing using paper forms takes a longer time than when you file online.
Ways To File For UK Company Registration
Your UK company registration and be done in two major ways.
1. Online registration
2. Registration offline.
Most company houses are found online. This reduces the amount of paperwork involved and increases efficiency.
As effective as this may sound, your work efficiency is a factor of price. Registering online is a simple, secure fact and has a huge amount of work done within 24 hours.
We would not deny the fact that some people prefer to have their registration done offline. Either because they are not tech-literate or maybe because they prefer to be assisted physically. Whichever the case may be, there are company houses that are available offline.
Offline registration, however, is expensive and time-consuming. It has a standard service of £40 and a time frame of 8-10 days. Speeding up this process may cost an additional £100. If you need it that same day, you would have to indicate after the additional payment.
Once your registration is completed, you will be able to start trading as a limited company.

Incorporate a company online now with LTD24ORE.COM

If you don’t want to do all this staff, we have perfect company registration and online bookkeeping and accounting service for you.
We have more 500 digital business onwer as customer.
You can open an online UK company store here in London through our service.
Here are the advantages of opening a company in London with
1. Online constitution without a notary
2. Online accounting, bookkeeping and tax management service
3. Preparation of company account and the tax return filing included
4. Free access to accounting software based on artificial intelligence.
5. Assistance via chat, email, telephone
6. Consultancy with tax consultants.
So, in our package we don’t provide just a company registration service, but also a full online:

  • bookkeeping services;
  • company accounts preparation and filing;
  • tax filing (ct600);
  • access to the business school.

A company owner is entitled to limited liability. This means that he/she is liable only to the nominal value of shares issued in the company. Any other amount of personal money owned aside from those shares will be protected.
You should know that registering your company is not a legal requirement in the UK. However, if you choose not to register your business, there will be no legal separation between you and your business.
Therefore, your assets and finances could get involved whenever something goes wrong. This risk is one of the major reasons why business owners choose to register their businesses.